Willing to Wander: Christmas around the World

Model boats are decorated with brightly glimmering lights. Women sprinkle water scented with basil around their house, which they believe will keep bad spirits away. Families dine on spit-roasted pork and fried pastry.

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Willing to Wander: Egypt: Land of Pyramids and Pharaohs, Part 2

Last month, I described world-famous sites that earn Egypt a place on many people’s Travel Bucket List. This month, we’ll meet the people and delve into the culture of that country, which add other dimensions to a visit there.

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Willing to Wander: Egypt: Land of Pyramids and Pharaohs, Part 1

My first impression on the ride from the airport to my hotel was: Big city.

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Willing to Wander: The Often-Overlooked Islands of New York City

Mention New York City and “islands” in the same breath, and it’s likely that Liberty and Ellis will come to mind.

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Willing to Wander: Happy Trails for You

Some people are traipsing through lovely landscapes, as others explore history from days of Native Americans to the present. Avid birders use binoculars to spot colorful feathered friends in flight, while canoers and kayakers dip paddles into the water.

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Traveling Post-Pandemic Will Be the Same — and Different

After months and months of not traveling to visit family and friends and to see destinations that have been on a wish list for years, more people have been booking flights and cruises and hitting the open highway.

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Willing to Wander: Be a Stateside Tourist – Get Out on the Scenic Drives

Granted, it would be challenging now to take a truly cross-country drive, or even follow a scenic road that meanders through several states, stopping at tourist attractions along the way.

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Willing to Wander: Civil Rights Sites Recall Struggle for Freedom

As the Civil War drew to a close, soldiers of the 55th Massachusetts Volunteer Regiments occupied a plantation on James Island, South Carolina, which earlier had been held by Confederate forces. They were among the approximately 185,000 U.S. Colored Troops, as they were called, who fought with the North.

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Can You Travel Safely with the Delta Variant?

Perhaps you’re planning a fall getaway to wine country? Maybe your college-aged loved ones are heading off to a study-abroad program? Or possibly your boss decided it’s time to restart domestic, even international, business travel again?

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