Colcannon, Soda Bread, and an Irish Ditty

The traditional St. Patrick’s Day feast is corned beef and cabbage. Potatoes round out the meal and can be boiled or mashed. I make them as colcannon, mashed potatoes into which butter, milk, and cooked and chopped kale is mixed, then seasoned with salt and pepper.

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Fresh Fare: Simple, Flavorful Recipes to Reimagine Mealtime

While it can be easy to fall into a routine of cooking the same recipes week in and week out, getting creative with mealtime can be as easy as making simple swaps and trying new flavor combinations with fresh, high-quality ingredients.

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Fresh Fare: Simplify Holiday Entertaining

Preparing side dishes can be time consuming.

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Fresh Fare: Fall for a Flavorful Cheese Board

Some of the most beloved flavors are inspired during the fall, and there are few better ways to enjoy the season’s best than with a group of friends and family. Get ready to wow guests with seasonal treats that invite everyone to indulge in fall flavors.

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Fresh Fare: Make it Mediterranean

Just like forward-thinking culinary artists, many at-home chefs seek out the next trendy flavor to provide friends and family gathered around the table.

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Fresh Fare: Pair Pecans with Seasonal Produce

American Pecans are the original super-nut: a naturally sweet superfood that’s nutritious, versatile, and local, as it’s the only major tree nut native to America.

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Fresh Fare: Natural Ways to Get a Good Night’s Rest

With nearly one-third of Americans suffering from sleep disturbances, according to research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, now is the time to rethink your bedtime routine and consider more natural ways to get a good night’s rest.

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Fresh Fare: Simple, Healthy Snacks and Sandwiches

Quick and easy meals can be hard to come by, especially ones that don’t sacrifice flavor.

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Simple Seafood Solutions for Lent

With people across the country observing Lent, a religious tradition observed during the 40 days before Easter, it’s time to rethink the standard family meal menu.

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