The Bookworm Sez: Life after Power

To be continued ...

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The Bookworm Sez: Presidential History Books for Adults

That bumper sticker on your car is never coming off.

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The Bookworm Sez: American Castle

If those walls could talk.

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The Bookworm Sez: Who Cares

It’s awfully dark at 3 a.m., but there you were, wide awake.

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The Bookworm Sez: Dinner with the President

The invitation said “black tie only,” and you know what that means.

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The Bookworm Sez: Gray Love

It was supposed to be a nice night out.

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The Bookworm Sez: The Queen: Her Life

You couldn’t hide, even if you wanted to.

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The Bookworm Sez: Yours Truly

“Dear loved ones ...”

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The Bookworm Sez: Charlie’s Good Tonight

The music really starts you up.

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