COVER STORY: Read It, Love It, Pass It On

Read it. Love it. Pass it on. A premise that can change a child’s world.

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COVER STORY: Elevate Your Expectations

“Embrace your age! Nobody wants to talk about how old they are, but I love talking about it,” laughs Soni Dimond on a recent phone conversation discussing her life, her passions, and her whirlwind career.

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COVER STORY: Services Address Wandering in Those with Memory Impairment

For caregivers of people with memory issues, keeping their loved one in a safe space — whether it’s their home or a care facility — is vital to the person’s well-being. But the reality is that 6 in 10 people with dementia will wander away from that safe space at least once.

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COVER STORY: Hooked on Fishing Lures

The expression “gone fishing” has taken on a whole new meaning for Dale and Gail Stump.

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COVER STORY: American Legion Rider Has Drive to Serve

The hum and roar of motorcycles sounded throughout town as riders gathered recently at the American Legion Post 455.

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COVER STORY: They Were Stardust, They Were Golden: The Reality of Woodstock 1969

Half a century ago, in an atmosphere redolent of cow manure and marijuana smoke, 500,000 young people came together on the hillside of a farm in New York state.

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COVER STORY: Life at the Speed of Sound

“We’re only here on this planet for so long; you have to do things while you’re here,” James Kleinklaus laughs when asked how he’s managed to fit so many experiences into one lifetime.

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COVER STORY: Bending with Life’s Flow

“We are at any given time a sum of our past experiences. I like to tell my students to gather up their pebbles of knowledge and eventually it turns into a hill, and that hill will continue to grow into a mountain,” says fitness educator Joy Riley.

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COVER STORY: Making Your Medical Wishes Known

Thinking about potential medical issues and end-of-life care can be a bit daunting, but it’s important. There are legal documents, such as an advance healthcare directive, in which one can specify one’s preferences.

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