Pain in Your Foot or Ankle? It Could Be Arthritis

Arthritis in the feet and ankles can produce swelling and pain, deformity, loss of joint function, and loss of mobility.

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Savvy Senior: Misleading Medicare Advantage Ads: What to Look Out For

Dear Savvy Senior,

I’m currently enrolled in original Medicare but have been thinking about switching to a Medicare Advantage plan during the open enrollment period. Many of the Medicare Advantage ads I’ve seen offer lots of extra benefits beyond what traditional Medicare offers and no monthly premiums. What are your thoughts?

– Considering a Switch

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Osteoporosis Pain Can Arise Sooner than You Think

Susan Fuschino, an elementary school teacher in Pennsylvania, experienced early menopause and, at 47 years old, was forced into early retirement after suffering from extreme back pain.

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The Healthy Geezer: Spotting Changes on Senior Skin

Q. My skin has all kinds of small thingies on it like my father used to have. My doctor checks them out and says they are all harmless. But, what exactly are they?

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Derry Church Sets Holiday Grief Workshop

“Surviving the Holidays,” a special workshop for people grieving the death of someone close, will be held 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, Nov. 4, at Derry Presbyterian Church, 248 E. Derry Road, Hershey.

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Dear Pharmacist: 5 Sweet Revelations: The Buzz on Honey and its Medicinal Benefits

Honey, a luscious golden elixir, has not only graced our breakfast tables and sweetened our tea, but it has also been revered for its medicinal benefits for millennia.

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My Drug Addiction — and How to Kick the Tobacco Habit

I woke up this morning and felt the agonizing withdrawal symptoms washing over me. It’s a persistent anxiousness that doesn’t cease until I get my fix.

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Nurse Nancy: Foods for a Healthy Brain

When I was a little girl, my mother told me fish was “brain food.” I thought it was just a way to get me to eat fish. As I got older, I discovered Mom was right.

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Living With COPD? How to Navigate Palliative and Hospice Care

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is also referred to as emphysema or chronic bronchitis and makes it hard to breathe.

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