The Beauty in Nature: 2 Yellowjacket Wasps

By late summer, most of us have been pestered by yellowjackets at picnics, and some of us noticed the gray, football-sized paper nests of bald-faced hornets attached to twigs in trees.

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The Beauty in Nature: Blooming Southern Trees

One sultry, moonlit July evening a few years ago, I enjoyed seeing, and smelling, the large, white blossoms on a 30-foot-tall southern magnolia tree on a southeastern Pennsylvania lawn.

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The Beauty in Nature: Tree-Nesting Shorebirds

Solitary sandpipers and Bonaparte’s gulls are unusual shorebirds in their respective families.

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The Beauty in Nature: Converging Birds and Horseshoe Crabs

In May of some years, I’ve traveled to Delaware Bay beaches in New Jersey and Delaware to experience the convergence of many thousands of spawning horseshoe crabs, nesting laughing gulls, and migrating shorebirds, including red knots, ruddy turnstones, dunlin, and semi-palmated sandpipers.

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Melinda’s Garden: Spring into the Growing Season

Spring-flowering bulbs and perennials are filling our landscapes with color.

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The Beauty in Nature: Peeping Peepers

I visit the shallows of certain ponds and wetlands in, and bordering, woods in southeastern Pennsylvania a couple evenings every April.

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Melinda’s Garden: Managing Gnats on Houseplants

They flit across your face, hover near your houseplants, or gather by the window. Fortunately, these fungus gnat insects are more annoying to us than harmful to our plants.

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The Beauty in Nature: Waterfowl in Flight

Winter and early spring are the times of waterfowl (ducks, geese, and swans) in southeastern Pennsylvania.

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Melinda’s Garden: Grow Herbs Indoors for Year-Round Enjoyment

Add garden-fresh flavor to your meals year-round. Grow a few of your favorite herbs indoors, harvest, and enjoy.

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