Savvy Senior: What Happens if You Die Without a Will?
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- Written by Jim Miller Jim Miller
Dear Savvy Senior,
What happens to a person’s possessions if they die without a will? I’m almost 60 years old and have never gotten around to making one, but the coronavirus crisis has made it a priority.
– Will-less Willie
Savvy Senior: How to Get Underutilized COVID Funeral Assistance Funds
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- Written by Jim Miller Jim Miller
Dear Savvy Senior,
I recently saw a news segment on TV about a government funeral assistance program available to families who lost loved ones during the pandemic.
What can you tell me about this? I lost my 78-year-old mother to COVID in 2021 and want to find out if I’m still eligible for any funeral funds, and if so, what I need to do to get them.
– Still Sad
Bob’s Tech Talk Extra: The Brave New World of Tap-to-Pay
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- Written by Bob DeLaurentis Bob DeLaurentis
There are newer, more secure, and more convenient choices available to make payments at most cash registers. Secret PIN codes and signatures are making way for methods like tap-to-pay plastic cards and smartphones.
Savvy Senior: How to Get Help as an Elder Orphan
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- Written by Jim Miller Jim Miller
Dear Savvy Senior,
I need to find someone honest and reliable to look after my estate, health, and long-term care when I’m no longer able to do it myself. I’m a 67-year-old recent widow with no children and one sibling I rarely talk to. Any suggestions?
– Solo Ager
3 Easy Tips on How to File Taxes Securely Online
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According to the data, over 91% of the 165 million tax returns in the U.S. were filed electronically last year. Due to the ongoing presence of coronavirus, it is expected that an even greater percentage of tax documents will be submitted online this year.
Savvy Senior: Do I Have to File Income Tax Returns This Year?
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- Written by Jim Miller Jim Miller
Dear Savvy Senior,
What is the IRS standard tax deduction for 2021? I didn’t file a tax return last tax year (2020) because I lost my job and my income in March due to COVID. But I got a part-time job in 2021 and am wondering if I made enough money that requires me to file this year.
– Part-Time Retiree
Tax-Aide Provides Low-Contact Service in Lebanon County
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Beginning Feb. 3 and continuing through April 15, AARP Foundation is providing free tax assistance and preparation through its Tax-Aide program.
Money Sense: Scram to Scams
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- Written by Karen Telleen-Lawton Karen Telleen-Lawton
My most worn keyboard key is “delete.”
Savvy Senior: Tax Breaks for Caregivers of Elderly Parents
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- Written by Jim Miller Jim Miller
Dear Savvy Senior,
Are there any tax breaks that you know of for family caregivers? I help financially support my 82-year-old mother and would like to find out if I can write off any of these expenses on my taxes.
– Supplemental Sam