Money Sense: Scram to Scams

My most worn keyboard key is “delete.”

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Tax-Aide Provides Low-Contact Service in Lebanon County

Beginning Feb. 3 and continuing through April 15, AARP Foundation is providing free tax assistance and preparation through its Tax-Aide program.

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Savvy Senior: Tax Breaks for Caregivers of Elderly Parents

Dear Savvy Senior,

Are there any tax breaks that you know of for family caregivers? I help financially support my 82-year-old mother and would like to find out if I can write off any of these expenses on my taxes.

– Supplemental Sam

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Social Security News: Get Your Social Security Benefit Statement

We’ve made getting your annual benefit statement even easier. The benefit statement, also known as the SSA-1099 or the SSA-1042S, is a tax form we mail each year in January to people who receive Social Security benefits.

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Legal Ease: Lots of Reasons to Rethink This Plan, Part 2

Dear Jonathan: I am a widower and have five adult children. Rather than engage in any formal and costly estate planning, I plan to keep it simple by adding my daughter’s name to the title of my assets.

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Legal Ease: Lots of Reasons to Rethink This Plan

Dear Jonathan: I am a widower and have five adult children. Rather than engage in any formal and costly estate planning, I plan to keep it simple by adding my daughter’s name to the title of my assets.

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6 Homeownership Tips for Snowbirds

Not to be confused with an actual bird, a snowbird is a person who moves to a warmer location during the winter to avoid the cold.

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Social Security Announces 5.9% Benefit Increase

Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits for approximately 70 million Americans will increase 5.9% in 2022, the Social Security Administration announced recently.

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On Life and Love after 50: 2 Websites that Combat Fraud and Romance Scams

Do you know that a “friend request” you receive on Facebook or an offer for a free COVID-19 test on Instagram might be from romance scammers trying to steal your money?

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