Savvy Senior: Misleading Medicare Advantage Ads: What to Look Out For

Dear Savvy Senior,

I’m currently enrolled in original Medicare but have been thinking about switching to a Medicare Advantage plan during the open enrollment period. Many of the Medicare Advantage ads I’ve seen offer lots of extra benefits beyond what traditional Medicare offers and no monthly premiums. What are your thoughts?

– Considering a Switch

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Tax-Prep Volunteers Needed for 2024 Season

The AARP Tax-Aide Foundation Program is expanding its team of volunteers in York County for the upcoming tax season.

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Savvy Senior: How Medicare Covers Alzheimer’s Disease

Dear Savvy Senior,

What exactly does Medicare cover when it comes to Alzheimer’s disease? My husband was recently diagnosed with early-stage Alzheimer’s, and we would like to find out what’s covered and what isn’t.

– Planning Ahead

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Buying a Cemetery Site

When you buy a cemetery plot, the cost is not the only consideration. The location of the cemetery and whether it meets the requirements of your family’s religion are important, as well.

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The Cautious Consumer Guy: Pharmaceutically Flummoxed? A Money-Saving Question

There is one question every consumer should ask the pharmacy when making the initial purchase of a new prescription. But we tend not to ask questions. We just slap down our cards and wait for a computer to tell the pharmacy how much money to collect from us.

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Understanding Financial Options for Long-Term Care

Long-term care is a reality that everyone will eventually confront — either for themselves, a loved one, or both — and it is an expensive proposition that too few people are prepared for or understand.

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Savvy Senior: New RMD Rules for 2023

Dear Savvy Senior,

What are the new rules on required minimum distributions from IRAs and 401(k)s? I will turn 72 this year and want to be clear on what I’m required to do.

– Planning Ahead

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Learn How to Protect Yourself from Medicare Fraud

More than 65 million people in the United States were enrolled in Medicare as of February 2023, with more people becoming eligible and enrolling each year.

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The Most Common Types of Scams Explained

Being the victim of a scam can be detrimental to older adults’ mental health, making them feel helpless, embarrassed, anxious, depressed, fearful, or distrusting of others. These feelings can affect physical health as well.

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