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Jay Stanton is RSVP’s Dauphin County Volunteer of the Month. Stanton has volunteered with a multitude of community organizations, including service as a past member of the Hummelstown Borough Council.
Stanton has served Hummelstown on the Shade Tree Commission, Community Foundation, Halloween parade, and the America in Bloom program.
Stanton is a member of the Keystone College Alumni Board, has been active in fundraising efforts for the Vista School, and received a citation for community involvement from Lebanon Valley College Alumni.
Stanton serves as president of the Hummelstown Elder Express, and through RSVP he is a volunteer driver for this elderly service provider. He currently delivers in Hummelstown for Meals on Wheels.
In addition to delivering meals, Stanton is active in several garden- and horticultural-focused local and regional organizations.
For further information about RSVP’s volunteer opportunities in Dauphin County, please contact Judy Jones at (800) 870-2616 or dauphin@rsvpcapreg.org.