- Details
The No. 1 reason to adopt a black cat? Their smiles shine extra bright next to their dark fur!
Introducing beautiful, independent Miley. This gorgeous spayed female is 5 years old.
Miley would thrive best in a quiet home with lots of freedom and room to roam. Her favorite thing is a good, old-fashioned scratching post.
A home with adult humans would be ideal for this girl. Staff feels she might do OK with a feline sibling as long as they understand her love of being independent.
Visit www.lebanonhumane.org for details on our adoption process or stop in the shelter anytime during open business hours.
The Humane Society of Lebanon County is located at 150 N. Ramona Road, Myerstown. Call (717) 628-1369 or visit lebanonhumane.org for more information.