Social Security News: Honoring Our Heroes on Memorial Day
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- Written by John Johnston John Johnston
On Memorial Day, we honor the soldiers and service members who have given their lives for our nation.
Some Taxing Trivia
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No one enjoys paying taxes, but these factoids might take some of the sting out of writing that annual check:
Work Past 70? Be Sure You’re Able
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If you’re planning to work until you’re 70 or older, be sure you’re actually capable of it.
Social Security News: Get Replacement Tax Forms Online with Ease
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- Written by John Johnston John Johnston
It’s that time of year again. Preparing for tax season can seem overwhelming. Some forms and paperwork might be difficult to track down.
Savvy Senior: Automatic Medicare Advantage Enrollment Causes Confusion
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- Written by Jim Miller Jim Miller
Dear Savvy Senior,
I’ll be 65 in a few months and I recently pre-enrolled in original Medicare.
Social Security News: ‘Extra Help’ Available for Prescription Costs
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Making ends meet should not mean going without your medications. If you have limited income and resources, you may qualify for Extra Help to pay for some healthcare and prescription drug costs.
Social Security News: You Can Still File and Suspend Despite Recent Changes
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- Written by John Johnston John Johnston
You probably heard that changes in the law now affect the way you file for certain benefits.
Social Security News: Supporting Our Wounded Warriors
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- Written by John Johnston John Johnston
Every Veterans Day, the nation honors the brave men and women who risk their lives to protect our country and the freedoms we cherish.
How to Plan an Affordable Funeral
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- Written by Jim Miller Jim Miller
Dear Savvy Senior,
When my brother died last year, my sister and I had a regular funeral for him and got stuck with a $12,000 bill. Can you recommend some funeral cost-cutting tips or cheaper alternatives? I don’t want to stick my kids with a big funeral bill after I’m gone.