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Eanie Bard and Jill Burhman are the RSVP Cumberland County co-volunteers of the month. They have been faithful volunteers for the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program in Camp Hill for more than five years.
RSVP of the Capital Region, Inc. is a volunteer-based organization serving the Central Pennsylvania region for more than 45 years. They recruit, train, and place volunteers in not-for-profit agencies, schools, government offices, hospitals, and senior residences.
Bard and Burhman are both integral parts of the organization. Most recently, they greatly supported the 2018 Martin Luther King Jr. Day book-distribution event.
RSVP, with the support of Mette, Evans & Woodside law firm, collected and distributed more than 8,000 children’s books.
Schools and organizations in Cumberland and Dauphin counties were invited to stop by on Martin Luther King Jr. Day to shop for free books. Attendees received hundreds to thousands of books for their school or organization.
Bard was very involved with labeling and organizing all of the children’s books. She also helped to set up the event. Burhman and Bard attended the event, helping people to select books for their school.
For further information about RSVP volunteer opportunities in Cumberland County, please contact Becky Gibbons, Cumberland/Perry development coordinator, at (800) 870-2616 or perrycumb@rsvpcapreg.org.