- Details
Cindy Stager is the RSVP Lebanon County Volunteer of the Month; she has been a volunteer with Compeer of Lebanon County since 2015.
Compeer matches volunteers with an individual in recovery from a mental illness, such as depression or anxiety, in what are called “friendship matches.”
Stager grew up in Lebanon city and graduated from Lebanon High School. She knows the importance of volunteering and how the simple gift of time can transform another person’s life.
Stager is a friendly, outgoing person who helps people who are depressed and isolated make new friends. She has spoken several times on behalf of Compeer at United Way events.
Stager is matched with two Compeer friends, providing client-specific social support. One friend prefers someone with whom she can talk over the phone.
Another Compeer friend has been matched with Stager since the fall; since neither friend drives, the two most often meet when Compeer holds their monthly socials.
Being a Compeer friend has brought joy and awareness to Stager’s own life, and she provides indispensable help at their monthly socials. Her friendship with other clients and the volunteers is inspirational.
Stager enjoys reading, writing, and cooking; she also enjoys the great outdoors and visits to the beach. Stager is mother to two grown daughters and grandmother to four granddaughters.
If you would like to volunteer with RSVP of the Capital Region, please contact Margie Groy, Lebanon development coordinator, at (717) 454-8647 or lancleb@rsvpcapreg.org.