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Susan Lindsey is the York County RSVP Volunteer of the Month. She volunteers at Leg Up Farm, a nonprofit therapy center in York County for children with special needs.
Lindsey loves Leg Up Farm. During the time that she spends with the horses and clients, she forgets everything else in her life, affording her the opportunity to concentrate upon the present moment.
After 40 years of living in city environs, Lindsey recently returned to the family farm, which dates back to 1760. She grew up on horseback and hopes to place rescue horses in the barn one day. For the time being, her world is ruled by cats.
A sense of identity with all living creatures compels her to remove black snakes and other creepy crawlies from roads to prevent their demise under the wheels of careless drivers.
Lindsey’s family spent a lot of money on a private university education, which garnered her some very respectable employment opportunities. In retirement, none of that seems very important. She does remember soliciting grant money to write a rock music curriculum for her deaf students.
In addition to Leg Up Farm, Lindsey volunteers with the Citizens’ Climate Lobby and judges scholarship essays for a national competition.