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The National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors has named Lancaster County resident Sally Biel its Volunteer of the Year for her generous contribution of time to the National Watch and Clock Museum and its library and research center.
“For nearly two years Sally has been coming in once a week to work on cataloging vertical files,” Sara Dockery, library and archives supervisor, said.
“Most people may not know Sally, because she works quietly in my office every Wednesday, but her work is having an enormous impact on the availability of information to NAWCC members, a key part of the library’s mission. In the time she’s been working here, she has cataloged almost 700 files.
“Sally has taken it upon herself to learn a tremendous amount about horology, keeping careful notes about each type of clock and watch she encounters in her work,” Dockery added.
“Thanks to the work that she is doing, members are able to easily find library resources, and a project that has been ongoing for well over the five years I’ve been here is nearing completion.”
For more information on volunteering at the museum, call Noel Poirier, museum director, at (717) 684-8261, ext. 236, to request an application. The application is also available on the museum’s website at www.museumoftime.org.

From left, Noel Poirier, National Watch and Clock Museum director; Sally Biel, volunteer; and Sara Dockery, library and archives supervisor.