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- Written by 50plus LIFE 50plus LIFE
The August RSVP Volunteer of the Month for Lebanon County is Robert Goonan.
Goonan served in the U.S. Navy from 1968-70 and has an extensive hobby background in sports: 48 years in baseball and 10 years in hockey. He served as a baseball scout with the Los Angeles Dodgers for more than 15 years.
Goonan volunteered with a number of youth organizations as a coach, manager, director, and commissioner. He helped several boys get into college through baseball and American Legion programs, and some played for major league teams.
In addition, he helped with senior citizen programs in Brooklyn and organized their first hockey league.
After retiring eight years ago from a major bank, Goonan planned to spend time with his sons and grandchildren. He moved to Lebanon County from Brooklyn with his wife and mother. Unfortunately, both passed away a few years after the move.
Goonan served as a director and treasurer for American Legion baseball and other nonprofit organizations. He currently serves as an assistant baseball coach and statistician at Palmyra High School.
Goonan looks forward to his life in Palmyra. He has met many good people, particularly those from the Interfaith Manor Senior Center, where he served for eight years as activity director.
For more information on volunteering with RSVP of the Capital Region, contact Margie Groy at (717) 454-8647 or lancleb@rsvpcapreg.org.