- Details
The Diabetes Self-Management Program from Stanford University is designed for older adults living with Type 2 diabetes to control their diabetes and the emotions that come with it.
The program is conducted in 2.5-hour workshops, once a week for six weeks.
Free workshops will be held 1–3:30 p.m. Tuesdays, Oct. 3–Nov. 7, at St. John the Baptist Church, 315 N. Constitution Ave., New Freedom. Preregistration is required by calling (717) 235-2156, ext. 214.
The workshop will also be held 9:15–11:45 a.m. Wednesdays, Oct. 11–Nov. 15, at White Rose Senior Center, 27 S. Broad St., York. Preregistration is required by calling Megan Craley at the York County Area Agency on Aging at (717) 771-9610 or (800) 632-9073.
Participants receive a copy of the companion book, Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions, 4th Edition, and an audio relaxation tape.
Steps to Healthier Living is for anyone age 60 and older living with Type 2 diabetes or a caregiver, age 60 and older, of someone with Type 2 diabetes.
The program promotes a self-management toolbox to address healthy eating, exercise, stress management, monitoring blood sugar, communication, dealing with difficult emotions, medications, working with your doctor, avoiding complications, action planning, problem solving, and thinking activities.