- Details
This $1,500 Cmdr. Gerald McComber Memorial Scholarship will be for the 2017 scholarship year.
To be eligible, applicants must be citizens of the United States and maintain a permanent residence in Lancaster County.
They must be high school seniors planning to attend a postsecondary school of higher learning or students at a postsecondary institution of higher learning enrolled in ROTC.
Applicants must also have an immediate family member (parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, sibling, or cousin) who has served or is serving honorably in the United States military.
Applications are available at all county high school guidance departments.
Applications, along with all supporting materials, should be submitted no later than Friday, March 31, to MOAA, P.O. Box 5031, Lancaster, PA 17601-5031. The scholarship winner will be announced by mid-April.