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AARP Foundation has kicked off volunteer recruitment for its Tax-Aide program, the nation’s largest volunteer-based tax-preparation service. Volunteers may sign up to assist taxpayers either in person or virtually, with a number of roles available.
In addition to tax preparers, whom the program will train, Tax-Aide needs people who can provide technical and communications assistance, interpreters, and program leaders.
Volunteers come from a variety of industries and range from retirees to university students. All levels and types of experience are welcome.
Tax-Aide offers free in-person and online tax preparation and assistance nationwide to taxpayers with low to moderate income.
Because of the complexity of the U.S. tax code, many taxpayers overpay their taxes or turn to paid tax services they cannot afford. Some may forgo filing their taxes and miss out on credits and deductions they’ve earned because they are unable to pay for assistance.
There are three Tax-Aide sites in Lebanon County: at the Lebanon Senior Center, at Myerstown Church of the Brethren, and in Jonestown at the Lebanon Area Evangelical Free Church.
To learn more, visit aarpfoundation.org/taxaide or call (888) OUR-AARP. At the local level in Lebanon County, call (717) 376-4664 to get more information.