- Details
Recently retired individuals and those approaching retirement can learn to better navigate the Medicare system with two free preretirement seminars to be held Thursdays, April 28 and May 26, from 6-8:30 p.m. via Zoom.
The seminars will be presented by Pennsylvania Medicare Education and Decision Insight, PA MEDI (formally known as APPRISE).
PA MEDI is the state health insurance counseling program for all Medicare beneficiaries in Pennsylvania, offered by the York County Area Agency on Aging.
Seminar topics to be covered include:
- Review of Medicare benefits
- Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage plan coverage options
- Medicare prescription drug coverage and tools to navigate the “Drug Plan Finder”
- Medicare savings programs
- Medicare preventive services
- Supplemental insurance/Medigap plans
- MyMedicare.gov and other technological tools
Preregistration and a valid email address are required. Call (717) 771-9008 or (800) 632-9073 or email aging@yorkcountypa.gov for registration and further information.