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- Written by Megan Joyce Megan Joyce
It is with great excitement and gratitude that we at On-Line Publishers, Inc. celebrate our 25th anniversary in 2020.
When President and CEO Donna Anderson began On-Line Publishers and its flagship publication, then called Senior News, from her home in 1995, it would have been impossible to predict the trajectory the fledgling company would take over the course of 2.5 decades.
From 1995-2005, Senior News’ coverage would expand to embrace six central Pennsylvania counties. Now called 50plus LIFE, the newsprint magazine’s current six-county coverage umbrella includes Chester, Cumberland, Dauphin, Lancaster, Lebanon, and York counties.
OLP’s line of niche publications eventually grew to include BusinessWoman, a professional women’s magazine; b magazine, a full-gloss, lifestyle baby boomer publication produced from 2008-16; 50plus Living, an annual guide of residences and care options; and beyond50, a county-specific directory of information about local products, services, and support, as well as other annual specialty inserts.
In 1997, OLP branched out into events; the first 50plus EXPO (then called Celebrate Seniority Expo) brought businesses and the community together for face-to-face interaction.
There are now six 50plus EXPOs, four Women’s Expos, and five Veterans’ Expo & Job Fairs each year.
The years have brought growth and transformation to our business, but our core mission remains unchanged: to spread needed information and foster community connectivity while uplifting the mind, heart, and spirit of the people we serve.
We were honored to receive these proclamations from the Office of the Governor and the Senate of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania commemorating On-Line Publishers’ 25 years.
And special thanks to you, the central Pennsylvania community, for making our silver anniversary possible!