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The nonprofit Laundromat Library League, which brings books to children by placing them in cooperating laundromats, recently received an $800 donation generated by the Chester County Chapter of the American Association of University Women’s “Piggy Project.”
Last winter, the AAUW distributed plain pottery piggy banks to its members. Members placed spare change in the piggy banks over the weeks, and those that wished to compete in the decorating contest decorated their piggies. Some joined in piggy-painting parties; others engaged grandchildren in decorating piggies.
When summer came, the piggies — now filled with coins — were brought to a social at which the decorated piggies were judged and the money collected and presented to the Laundromat Library League.
The AAUW is a regular supporter of the Laundromat Library League. As of July 1, the LLL had processed over 75,000 gently used children’s books and had purchased hundreds of others to enrich the boxes they place in laundromats (including books in Spanish and those with multicultural content, categories rarely obtained as used-book donations).
The AAUW donation will be used for more purchases.
To volunteer with the LLL, or to arrange to donate books, inquire via laundromatlibrary@gmail.com.
This item is submitted by Arlene Rengert, President of the Laundromat Library League: arengert@gmail.com; 610-696-2282.