The Beauty in Nature: Observing Bald Eagles
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- Written by Clyde McMillan-Gamber Clyde McMillan-Gamber
Happily, bald eagle populations have increased greatly throughout North America, including in southeastern Pennsylvania, because of the ban on the use of DDT since 1972.
The Beauty in Nature: Wildlife Succession in Cornfields
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- Written by Clyde McMillan-Gamber Clyde McMillan-Gamber
Much farmland in southeastern Pennsylvania is devoted to raising field corn. Cornfields are human-made habitats that have stages of succession, from bare ground to rows of tall corn plants, to short stubble after being harvested. And each stage is inhabited by certain adaptable kinds of wildlife.
Melinda’s Garden: Brighten the Holidays with Colorful Plants
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- Written by Melinda Myers Melinda Myers
Garden centers, florists, and grocery stores are filling their shelves with a variety of holiday plants, a sure sign the holidays are approaching.
The Beauty in Nature: Wandering Albatrosses
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- Written by Clyde McMillan-Gamber Clyde McMillan-Gamber
Wandering albatrosses are well named. They often soar hundreds of miles a day, low over the southern oceans that circle Antarctica, all day, every day, for a couple of weeks straight.
The Beauty in Nature: Flying Squirrels
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- Written by Clyde McMillan-Gamber Clyde McMillan-Gamber
I’ve seen a few southern flying squirrels “in the flesh” in southeastern Pennsylvania in my lifetime and heard about others from people who saw those charming little rodents, mostly at birdfeeders at night.
Remember These Tips When You Buy a Second Home
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Thinking of buying a second home? You don’t have to be rich, but you do have to be careful.
Ants in Your House? How to Get Rid of Them Safely
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Most of us don’t want to share a home with ants, but we don’t want to douse the place with insecticide either.
The Beauty in Nature: Chimney Swifts
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- Written by Clyde McMillan-Gamber Clyde McMillan-Gamber
I remember walking along a sidewalk when I was 5 years old and hearing chattering overhead. Looking up, I saw a loose group of small birds flying swiftly.
Melinda’s Garden: Plant Alliums This Fall to Add Variety and Beauty to Your Garden
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- Written by Melinda Myers Melinda Myers
Take your garden to new heights with alliums. This ornamental member of the onion family provides welcome color as spring bulbs fade and before summer perennials fill our gardens with colorful blooms.