The Beauty in Nature: Two Toads

Mostly I hear them calling from pond shallows in spring and early summer. If I look closely, I can see males sitting in inch-deep water with bulging throats while trilling or pairs floating while spawning in the pond.

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The Beauty in Nature: Strips of European Flowers

Flowering plants originally from Europe dominate many country roadsides in southeastern Pennsylvania farmland, as elsewhere in North America.

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The Green Mountain Gardener: Vacation-Proofing the Garden

July is a good month to take a vacation. But if you plan to travel, remember to cancel the newspaper, put a hold on your mail, and hire a garden sitter.

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The Beauty in Nature: Darters, Dace, and Killifish

Johnny darters, black-nosed dace, and banded killifish live in clear, flowing brooks and streams in southeastern Pennsylvania, as elsewhere in the eastern United States.

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The Beauty in Nature: Rough-Winged Swallows

Rough-winged swallows are plain little birds that are big in being adaptable enough to use a variety of niches, both natural and human-made, for nesting.

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The Green Mountain Gardener: Keeping Cats Out of the Garden

Some people love cats. Others hate them. But whatever your feelings about felines, chances are you probably don’t want them digging up your garden. So, what do you do?

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Identify and Treat Water and Mold Problems in Your Basement

When it comes to water and mold issues, the basement is as low as it gets.

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The Beauty in Nature: April’s Woodland Flowers

Several kinds of native, woodland wildflowers bloom in many woods in April in southeastern Pennsylvania.

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The Beauty in Nature: Bluebirds and Phoebes

Though from different bird families, eastern bluebirds and eastern phoebes have much in common, besides their first name.

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