Are You So Focused on Retirement You’re Missing Out on Life?

Mary and Pete saved every penny for retirement. They never went on vacations, they rarely went out to eat, and they lived a frugal lifestyle secure in the knowledge that when they retired, they would be able to live comfortably.

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Social Security News: Coronavirus-Related Medicare Scam Alert

Since older Americans are particularly vulnerable to coronavirus (COVID-19), we want to remind Medicare beneficiaries to be vigilant and take precautions to avoid falling victim to healthcare fraud during this pandemic.

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5 Wise Things Retirees Can Do with Their Stimulus Checks

The stimulus checks sent to millions of Americans have been a lifeline for many.

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How Credit Scores Still Matter in Retirement

People often dial back credit usage as retirement approaches — mortgages may be paid off, cars accumulate fewer miles and get replaced less frequently, and household spending winds down as the nest empties.

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Older Adults Reminded of Rights Regarding Stimulus Checks

As Pennsylvanians continue to receive federal stimulus payments as part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, the Pennsylvania departments of Aging, Human Services, and Insurance remind consumers living in long-term care facilities that these checks belong to them, not the facilities where they live.

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Tax Time during Coronavirus: What Retirees Need to Know

Retirement and the effects of aging come with a lot of changes, but at least one thing remains constant.

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How COVID-19 Will Change Consumer Behavior

The coronavirus crisis is likely to change American culture and behavior long after it’s passed. Ad Age points out these trends that are likely to endure:

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Guard against Phishing Scams during the Outbreak

The implications of COVID-19 are scary enough without adding the threat of online fraud or identity theft.

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3 Reasons You May Not Work as Long as Planned

If you are among the many Americans planning to work past age 65 to help make up for a shortfall in retirement savings, some recent studies should give you pause to rethink those plans.

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