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- Written by John Johnston John Johnston
If you receive a benefit verification letter, sometimes called a “budget letter,” a “benefits letter,” a “proof of income letter,” or a “proof of award letter,” we have good news for you.
A new standardized benefit verification letter is now available when you need proof of Social Security benefits, Supplemental Security Income, or Medicare.
In addition to name, date of birth, and the benefits received, the new benefit verification letter includes other identifiers to prevent misuse and fraud. This is an added benefit to you as proof of income for loans, housing assistance, mortgage, and other verification purposes.
The same standardized letter is also available if you need proof that you do not receive benefits or proof that benefits are pending.
If you are an individual representative payee, you can use the “my Social Security” representative payee portal to access the same standardized benefit verification letter online for your beneficiaries.
This new standardized benefit verification letter is another example of our commitment to improve our service to you.
No matter how you request your letter, whether calling our national 800 number, your local office, the interactive voice response system, or online with your personal “my Social Security” account at ssa.gov/myaccount, the benefit verification letter now contains a seamless look.
John Johnston is a Social Security public affairs specialist.