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- Written by Robert DeLaurentis Robert DeLaurentis
Q. The Apple Photos app is really different after this last update. Is there a way to change it back?
A. Apple revamped the Photos app this year. All the same functions are there, but the initial screen presents them differently. Although it might seem like change for change’s sake at first, let’s take a deeper look.
In many ways, the old app wasn’t that great. The new design makes it easier to find the major part of the app more quickly. Rather than simply showing the photos, it presents the major parts of the app in a single scrolling window.
The photos remain at the top, and the tabs from the previous app are now sections in a list. Things like Albums, Shared Albums, Memories, and more are there.
The biggest improvement is that now you can customize the main screen with the sections you want. To do this, scroll all the way down to the bottom of the main screen and tap on the Customize and Reorder button.
From the resulting screen, you can sort the sections in the order you prefer, and hide items you do not use often.
The other big feature this year is a new editing tool called “Clean Up.” To use it, select a single photo to view. At the bottom of the screen, tap the Edit button (immediately to the right of the Info button). The rightmost button that appears in the edit mode is labeled “Clean Up.”
Tap that button, and then touch any object you want removed from the photo.
Q. I want to make the most of my holiday pictures this year. What simple things can I do to take better photos?
A. Get closer. Fill the frame with your subject. Almost every photo will look better if the camera is closer to the subject. This can be done while shooting, or afterward by cropping the photo.
Take more photos. The more photos you attempt, the more images will be successful. Instead of taking a single shot of a subject, take several. Move the camera to capture a different angle or look for a different pose. Often unique images result from placing the camera somewhere other than eye level.
Group photos are some of the most difficult, but you can make it easier by interacting with everyone. Direct your subjects so their faces are close to one another. Take a dozen or more shots, hopefully catching one with everyone looking their best.
Edit ruthlessly. Do not share every image you take. The numbers vary, but a good rule of thumb is 10%. Aim for taking a few hundred images, and only share the best 10 or 20 of them.
If you move a little closer, take more photos, move the camera high and low, and be patient with groups, your photos will look better than typical snapshots.
Q. Is there any benefit from charging my smartphone battery with a cord? My phone can use either a cable or a magnetic charging stand. Is one method better than the other?
A. Phones that charge wirelessly use a round-shaped coil known as a Qi (pronounced “chee”) charger. These chargers use magnets to cinch the device to the charger, and magnets are generally better than stands that rely on you placing the device on the charger.
When it comes to Qi chargers, position matters. And if the coils inside the devices are not aligned, the charge may never finish.
As for which method is better, there are advantages and disadvantages to each.
Cords are significantly faster and use less energy. In general, they are more reliable. Cords can break with heavy use, however, and cord connectors are one of the few parts of your smartphone likely to wear out or break.
Qi chargers are slower, which can be an advantage since battery life is extended with slow charge times. They avoid the frayed-cable or bent-connector problems entirely, which is also a plus.
They do waste energy compared to a cord. Placement and alignment are the other downsides, although that can be eliminated by magnets or cradles with precise guides.
In my household, Qi wins overall for convenience and less clutter. But for Qi without alignment support, I recommend cables.
Bob has been writing about technology for over three decades. He can be contacted at techtalk@bobdel.com.