Bingo for a cause

Is This Thing On? How to Navigate Google Maps on Your Smartphone

Whether you want to find your way to your granddaughter’s ballet class or finally drive cross country, it’s time for you to learn to use the free GPS app on your smartphone or tablet.

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Tinseltown Talks: Julie Newmar Still the Cat’s Meow

This summer, Julie Newmar turned 83; but it only seems like yesterday she was prowling across our TV screens as the original Catwoman supervillainess in the ’60s TV series Batman.

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It Was 50 Years Ago Today: ‘Walk Away Renée’

Was there ever a real Renée from “Walk Away Renée,” and was the sad story true about her devastated lover sending her home? Renée did exist, but the rest of the tale? Sadly, it was simply the figment of a forlorn 16-year-old’s imagination.

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Deal Me In: The Quicker You Go, the Behinder You Get

Dear Mark: If a card counter has an advantage over the casino, wouldn’t it be to the card counter’s advantage to have more hands per hour via a continuous shuffler? – Travis C.

You’ve read it here before, Travis, and you’ll read it again. Speed kills in a casino environment.

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Tinseltown Talks: Lindsay Wagner’s One-(Bionic) Woman Show

One of the hottest actresses to emerge from the 1970s has been appearing around the country in recent years presenting her stage show, More than a Bionic Woman: An Evening with Lindsay Wagner.

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