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- Written by Dr. Lori Verderame Dr. Lori Verderame
One of the most common questions I field is: “What’s an antique?” The word antique has a simple definition.
While many people confuse the word and its definition with other related words like vintage, classic, antiquity, or ancient, the word antique refers to an object that has reached 100 years of age.
So, in 2022, many objects become antiques. For collectors and resellers, objects that reach this enviable status are worth more than they were last year.
In 1922, many major achievements took place in science, culture, and the arts. What’s collectible from 100 years ago is trending now.
For collectors, the Eskimo Pie ice cream bar debuted in the U.S. with a patent for Christian K. Nelson. Eskimo Pie packaging and related advertising memorabilia is of interest to collectors of the delicious ice cream treat and command high prices in 2022.
On James Joyce’s 40th birthday, Feb. 2, 1922, the novel Ulysses was published in Paris, France. For bibliophiles and other book collectors, first editions of the book will bring big bucks at auction and online.
A special first-edition copy of Ulysses, numbered 478/750 on handmade paper with a provenance that includes artists Marsden Hartley and Georgia O’Keeffe, sold at Sotheby’s auction for $62,500.
Another publication impressed readers worldwide in a different way when DeWitt and Lila Wallace published the first issue of Reader’s Digest. Today, the magazine itself and other publications under the Reader’s Digest publishing umbrella have introduced the everyman to major events, great books, and happenings around the world.
Another magazine made its debut in 1922 when author and poet T.S. Eliot established The Criterion magazine, which contains the first publication of his poem “The Waste Land.”
On Feb. 8, 1922, President Warren G. Harding introduced the first radio in the White House. Radios are a major collecting field and remain of interest with many collectors. Radios and their parts are regularly traded online.
President Harding made his first speech on radio on June 14, 1922 (Flag Day); however, it was candidate and later President Calvin Coolidge who used radio to help secure his bid for the White House in 1924.
On May 5, 1922, in the Bronx borough of New York City, construction began on Yankee Stadium. Today, people may purchase objects from the original Yankee Stadium, including bleacher seats, bases, dugout wood, and even dirt from the field.
The Lincoln Memorial is a major American landmark erected in 1922 in Washington, D.C., and dedicated on May 30. Related objects, souvenirs of our nation’s capital, and Lincoln collectibles show prices on the rise with history buffs and collectors.
On July 11, 1922, the Hollywood Bowl opened and eventually became a major open-air music venue in Los Angeles. Nearby, the famed Rose Bowl sports stadium opened in Pasadena, California, that same year. Collectibles from both sites, including brochures and programs from games, will increase in value this year.

Probably the most famous event of 1922 is the discovery of King Tut’s tomb. On Nov. 4, in Egypt’s Valley of the Kings, a group of English archaeologists led by Howard Carter found the entrance to the Pharaoh Tutankhamun’s tomb.
On Nov. 26, 1922, after more than 3,000 years undisturbed, Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon become the first people to look inside KV62, the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun.
This historic event sparked a fashion, artistic, and cultural rebirth of all things ancient Egyptian. Objects of Egyptomania appeared in architectural buildings, such as theaters, hotels, and civic buildings, and in the jewelry designs of brooches, necklaces, and earrings. Fine art paintings and sculpture took on an Egyptian look.
On Dec., 20, 1922, the play Antigone by Jean Cocteau, based on the Greek myth, took to the Paris stage with sets designed by Cubist master Pablo Picasso (1881-1973). The play’s music was by Arthur Honegger with costumes by Gabrielle Bonheur “Coco” Chanel (1883-1971).
Picasso prints, paintings, ceramics, as well as Chanel’s clothing designs, jewelry, and accessories, remain important collectibles to this day.
Ph.D. antiques appraiser, author, and award-winning TV personality Dr. Lori appears on The Curse of Oak Island on History channel. She gives appraisals at drloriv.com, youtube.com/drloriv, or call (888) 431-1010.