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- Written by 50plus LIFE 50plus LIFE
The York County Food Bank and its partner agencies are scaling up to provide emergency food assistance amidst the coronavirus public health crisis.
The food bank and many local pantries are modifying their normal services to including drive-thru food distributions, which require little to no person-to-person contact and eliminate the need for vulnerable populations to gather.
Distributions will be held Tuesdays from 3-7 p.m. and Fridays from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. across the street from the food bank in the Logos Academy parking lot, 250 W. King St., York.
Anyone struggling to afford food is encouraged to visit one of the York County Food Bank’s drive-thru distributions and/or contact their local pantry to find out the date and time of their specific distributions.
Participants are asked to only bring one member of the household and to stay in their vehicle. The food bank also requests that participants make sure their trunks are cleared out so volunteers can load food with minimal interaction.
The food bank is in need of volunteers to assist with the packing of food boxes and to assist in distribution.
The York County Food Bank also needs donations of cash to buy supplies like the extra boxes needed with the increase in demand for services.
“We anticipate seeing a significant increase in need as people are unable to go to work and are asked to stay home. We are preparing for this, but to do so, we have to increase our operating funds now to ensure that no one in our community goes hungry,” said CEO Jennifer Brillhart.
For more information, contact Jennifer Brillhart at jenniferb@yorkfoodbank.org or call (717) 846-6435.