- Details
Help the Alzheimer’s Association celebrate the second annual Grand Purple Gala with a nomination for the Angel of Alzheimer’s Award.
The gala will be held Friday, Oct. 13, at the Hamilton Ballroom at 941 Wheatland Ave., Lancaster.
The criteria for the award nomination are as follows:
- The nominee must have proven compassion toward those with dementia.
- Specific examples should be given of how this person goes above and beyond in the care of this group of individuals.
- The nominee should be a professional in the healthcare field. This could be a CAN, nurse, doctor, researcher, or therapist.
- Length of service within the dementia population should be included.
Please send a letter of nomination to Catherine Chilcoat, 12 Picnic Woods Circle, Lititz, PA 17543.
Include the nominator’s name and contact information, as both nominator and winning nominee will be invited to attend the gala.
Entry deadline is Sept. 1. Call Catherine Chilcoat with questions at (717) 201-1563.