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The Pennsylvania Department of Aging has embarked on the development of a 10-year strategic plan designed to help transform the infrastructure and coordination of services for Pennsylvania’s older adults, and they want public input.
The community is invited to weigh in on the plan’s priority goals, objectives, and initiatives to support the highest quality of life for older adults.
The York County Area Agency on Aging will host in-person listening sessions Sept. 7, 6-8 p.m., at North Hopewell – Winterstown VFC, 12246 Winterstown Road, Felton, and Sept. 12, 5-7 p.m., in the Baer Center at Guthrie Memorial Library, 2 Library Place, Hanover.
Additional York County locations are being planned. Check for updates at ycaaa.org.
Call to register for in-person sessions at (717) 771-9001. When registering, please advise if you will need accommodations and/or translation services.
Individuals who are unable to attend can still provide input on the plan by emailing agingplan@pa.gov, using the online form at aging.pa.gov/publications/masterplan, or mailing the Pennsylvania Department of Aging, c/o Master Plan, 555 Walnut St., Fifth Floor, Harrisburg, PA 17101.