No matter what your job is, chances are it involves at least some lifting. And as we get older, lifting becomes even more hazardous.

Don’t take any risks with your back. Follow this advice from the Mayo Clinic:


Eat a healthy diet. Get enough calcium and vitamin D to prevent your bones from growing weak and brittle due to osteoporosis. Bone fractures can lead to back pain.


Exercise regularly. Combine walking or swimming with exercises that stretch and strengthen your back muscles, as well as tai chi and yoga to maintain your balance.


Watch your posture. Remember to balance your weight evenly on both feet when standing, and don’t slouch. When sitting, choose a chair that supports your lower back, and adjust the height so your feet lie flat on the floor.


Practice proper lifting. Stand close to the object you’re lifting, bend your knees, and tighten your stomach muscles. Stand slowly, supporting your weight with your legs. Hold the object close to your body and maintain the curve of your back. Don’t twist while you’re lifting.


Pay attention to your body. Don’t lift if something hurts. If you’re sitting for a long time, shift position often, and take frequent breaks to walk around and stretch your muscles, reducing muscle tension.

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