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The Department of Veterans Affairs Caregiver Support Program is extending eligibility through Sept. 30, 2022, for veterans who are legacy participants or legacy applicants and for their family caregivers participating in the Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers.
This extension applies to veterans who were participating in PCAFC before Oct. 1, 2020; individuals who applied for PCAFC before Oct. 1, 2020; and those who were accepted into the program after Oct. 1, 2020.
The extension will provide VA an additional year to conduct required reassessments of this cohort.
PCAFC offers enhanced clinical support for family caregivers of eligible veterans who incurred or aggravated a serious injury in the line of duty and meet other eligibility criteria.
Benefits under PCAFC include education and training, enhanced respite care, counseling, a monthly stipend, CHAMPVA (if eligible), and certain travel expenses, among others.

All legacy participants, legacy applicants, and their family caregivers will be reassessed based upon the new eligibility criteria resulting from the final rule, which became effective Oct. 1, 2020.
“During this one-year period, approximately 19,800 legacy participants, legacy applicants, and their family caregivers will be reassessed,” said VA Caregiver Support Program Executive Director Colleen M. Richardson, Psy.D.
The department will initiate a large-scale effort to complete reassessments for this cohort starting this fall.
The earlier VA conducts reassessments, the sooner it will be able to assist with discharge planning for PCAFC participants who do not qualify under the new eligibility criteria.
Discharge planning may include engaging the veteran and family caregiver in other services to include participation in the Program of General Caregiver Support Services, which provides caregivers with education, training, peer support mentoring, coaching, and self-care courses.
Questions about PCAFC should be directed to local VA facility Caregiver Support Program staff or the Caregiver Support Line, toll-free at (855) 260-3274.
Find a Caregiver Support team or Caregiver Support coordinator using the online facility locator at caregiver.va.gov/support/New_CSC_Page.asp.