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The Lebanon County Area Agency on Aging will again be the distributing agency for the Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program checks in 2021.
The purpose of the FMNP, administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, is to provide seniors resources in the form of fresh, nutritious, unprepared fruits and vegetables from farmers markets and to expand the awareness and use of farmers markets.
The FMNP Market Locator app can be downloaded to Android and Apple smartphones to find the nearest participating farmers market location.
Due to COVID-19, FMNP applications must be completed by eligible consumers and mailed to the LCAAA office. LCAAA will review the application for accuracy, and FMNP checks will be mailed to eligible participants.
Consumers should call the Area Agency on Aging at (717) 273-9262 to be mailed an application. Applications will also be available on the agency’s website at lebcounty.org/depts/AAA.
LCAAA will also send applications to senior high-rise facilities in Lebanon County. Eligible participants can turn in completed applications to their building’s office for forwarding to the LCAAA.
LCAAA Meals on Wheels consumers will also be given applications by his/her driver. Completed applications can be given to the driver to be returned to the LCAAA office.
Program guidelines for 2021 are as follows:
Eligibility – Eligible persons must be Lebanon County residents and must be 60 years of age or older during 2021. Household income guidelines are: one person, $23,828; two people, $32,227; three people, $40,626; four people, $49,025; five people, $57,424; six people, $65,823; seven people, $74,222.
Benefits – Eligible persons receive four $6 checks for a total benefit of $24 one time during the program year.
Timeframes – FMNP checks must be used between June 1 and Nov. 30.
Eligible Food – FMNP checks may only be used to purchase produce grown in Pennsylvania. FMNP checks may not be used at grocery stores.
Questions may be directed to Lebanon County Area Agency on Aging at (717) 273-9262.