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Each year, Chester County Department of Aging Services distributes vouchers that can be used at farmers markets to purchase Pennsylvania-grown fruits and vegetables.
The Seniors Farmers Market Nutrition Program vouchers are part of a Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture program that supports local farmers and provides nutrition to people age 60 and over.
CCDAS will be distributing 2021 SFMNP checks through the U.S. Mail. Following receipt of a completed application, four $6 checks for a total one-time program-year benefit of $24 will be mailed to the check recipient.
Vouchers can be redeemed at participating farmers markets from June 1 to Nov. 30.
Checks will be available for mailing after May 15; the last day checks can be mailed is Sept. 30. The two-page application is available on the CCDAS website, chesco.org/aging, or by calling (610) 344-6733.
To participate in the program, a person needs to live in Chester County and be 60 years or older by Dec. 31, 2021.
Annual income must be at or below $23,828 for one person or $32,227 for two people, and voucher recipients may not live in a facility where their food is provided.
Once a completed application is received, the vouchers and a list of markets will be mailed to the applicant’s home.
Email completed forms before Sept. 15 to mwebb@chesco.org or return by mail to Chester County Department of Aging Services, 601 Westtown Road, Suite 320, West Chester, PA 19380.