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Safe Communities, a Lancaster-based organization dedicated to ending child sexual abuse, will hold a retreat for adult survivors of child sexual abuse Saturday, Oct. 9, from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. near Manheim (address shared upon registration).
At the “Journey with Tamar” retreat, adults who were sexually abused as children or teens are invited for a day of reflection, connection, and education. The day will include information about the impact of trauma, common symptoms, and tools for managing stressful emotions.
The sessions will examine the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible story of Tamar, daughter of King David, who was raped by her brother. Dialogues will also look at how the expectation of forgiveness can be difficult for survivors, as well as discuss what healing looks like.
All adult survivors of child sexual abuse are welcome, at whatever stage in their healing journey. The retreat will be facilitated by Andrea Stoner Leaman, MSW, program manager, Safe Communities.
Registration is required. There is no cost for this retreat due to funding from the LMC Legacy Foundation. Breakfast and lunch are provided. COVID-19 precautions required by the state at that time will be taken.
For more information and to register, visit safecommunitiespa.org, call 717-560-9989, or email Leaman at andrea@safecommunitiespa.org.