Choral Program Connects Music with Memories (2)

Like most seasonal choral groups, rehearsals for the Sing for the Moment choir held at the Rife Center at Bethany Village are well underway.

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Art & Antiques by Dr. Lori: John Ringling: Collector and Circus King

John Ringling was a world-class collector with the means to collect some of the finest art and antiques.

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Art & Antiques by Dr. Lori: World’s Fair Collectibles

The Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations was the formal name of the very first World’s Fair. It was held at the Crystal Palace in London, England, in 1851.

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Art & Antiques by Dr. Lori: Starting Your Collection

When embarking on a new phase of life, like marriage, completing a degree, or moving to a new home, many people chronicle the experience with the purchase of an object.

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Art & Antiques by Dr. Lori: Great Antique Finds at Fun-filled Events

At more than 150 events every year entitled Dr. Lori’s Antiques Appraisal Comedy Show, I appraise audience members’ heirlooms and antiques.

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Art & Antiques by Dr. Lori: Settling Estates Filled with Antiques

Grandma passed away, leaving behind a house filled with art, antiques, and collectibles.

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Art & Antiques by Dr. Lori: Wonderful Wall Designs Using Antiques

Integrating antiques, vintage items, and family heirlooms into a home’s interior design aesthetic sparks memories and brings dazzle to a room.

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Art & Antiques by Dr. Lori: Antiques and Alzheimer’s Memory Care

My parents both suffered from Alzheimer’s disease and required specialized care. I am not a specialist in Alzheimer’s care, nor am I trained to give medical advice.

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Art & Antiques by Dr. Lori: Valentine from the Head and Heart

Along with the Roman goddess of marriage, Juno, Valentine’s Day honors the Christian martyr St. Valentine.

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