The coronavirus crisis is likely to change American culture and behavior long after it’s passed. Ad Age points out these trends that are likely to endure:


Trust in tried-and-true brands. The stress of change will coax consumers into sticking with time-tested brands, experts say.

Launching anything new will be difficult as Americans shy away from what they’re not already familiar with.


Do-it-yourself will stay strong. We’re already cooking more at home and trying out new recipes, and that’s likely to continue.

For example, sales of yeast rose 650% for the week ending March 21, compared with the same period last year, reflecting how many Americans are baking more often.


We’ll rely more on digital outlets. Just as digital streaming is replacing going out to the movies, digital shopping is on the upswing.

For example, almost 40% of online grocery shoppers in April made their first online grocery purchase in March.


Flexible work is here to stay. A poll of 500 adults age 40–50 said they expect to go back to their previous routines, including work, school, recreation, and entertainment.

However, as working from home has boomed during the pandemic, it’s likely that more employers will offer this option and employees will scoop it up, experts predict.

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